What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. – James 2:14-17
Trinity is committed to serving the community and offers a wide range of ministries, both inside and outside the church.
Curious about volunteering? There are so many opportunities to match your skills and interests.
Help feed the hungry or prepare care packages for those experiencing homelessness with our Outreach and Evangelism ministries. Love to sing? Raise your voice in song with our vibrant Worship team. Or simply help make coffee for our social time between services. That’s just the beginning.
Contact us for more information about getting involved in any of the below.
The Evangelism Commission is called by God and charged by Trinity Parish church to provide opportunities for all to come to the Saving Knowledge and Grace of Jesus Christ (CONVERSION), and enrich their lives in Christ (RENEWAL). The Evangelism Commission is responsible for the development and oversight of the Parish’s ministry of spreading the “Good News” of Jesus Christ in the church and to the world.
Programs & Activites
In implementing its ministry, the Evangelism Commission sponsors the following activities and programs throughout the year.
Newcomers’ Classes
A series of sessions with an emphasis on helping individuals with an interest in joining the church to obtain a better understanding of Trinity Church and the Episcopalian Faith.
Greeters extend personal greetings to visitors identified by ushers or during church announcements, encourage visitors to sign the guest book and complete the visitors’ card, introduce visitors to parishioners, and invite visitors to join the Trinity family for fellowship during the Coffee Hour.
Advent Circle Meetings (House Church)
The Advent Circle offers you the opportunity to meet friends and other parishioners in an informal service of prayer, Bible study and fellowship during the Advent season.
Coat & Blanket Drive
Donations are accepted for the homeless. Coats and blankets will be donated to the Central Union Mission of Washington, D.C. Homeless Shelter.
Preaching Mission
The Preaching Mission is intended to bring about spiritual renewal, conversion to faith in Christ and the sharing of God’s goodness towards us.
Worship is the heart and soul of our life at Trinity. We learn and grow together in faith through our prayers and fellowship, reading and reflections on Holy Scripture, and the preached Word. We are also fed and nurtured together through the Spirit at the Holy Table in the Eucharist (Holy Communion) as we join our life and commitment to God in Jesus Christ.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the altars for the various services, including Holy Eucharist, Morning Prayer, Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Preaching Mission and Revival, Morning and Evening Prayer, and other special services. The Altar Guild ensures that all vessels,linens, vestments, hangings, candles, etc., are ready for use at all service. The Altar Guild consists of four teams that rotate each week throughout the year.
The Evangelism Committee is responsible for the development and oversight of the Parish’s ministry of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in the church and to the world. The Evangelism Committee provides leadership for the Advent Circle (House Church), Preaching Mission and Revival and New Member classes.
Flower Guild
The Flower Guild functions through the ministry of Altar Guild. They arrange the altar flowers and other bouquets that decorate the church. (See Altar Guild).
Oblation Bearers
The Oblation Bearers are members of the congregation who agreed to bring the bread and the wine to the altar during Eucharistic service to be blessed / consecrated and administer as Holy Communion.
Lay Readers & Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist the clergy in leading the worship by reading the Holy Scriptures, leading the prayers of the people and assisting with the administration of Holy Communion. They perform these duties at all service on Sundays and during the week. The Lay Readers assist the clergy in leading worship by reading the first lesson, (Hebrew Scriptures) and or the psalm and the prayers of the people. The Lay Eucharistic Ministers serve the wine during administration of communion. Members of this ministry are licensed by the diocese and undergo a brief training.
The Lectors are member of the congregation who are assigned to read the scriptures, usually the second lesson [the Epistle] at worship services.
The worship committee oversees all ministries concerning worship at Trinity Church Parish. The committee also serves as an advisory committee to the Rector, Minister of Music and Vestry. It meets quarterly to consider matters concerning worship in Trinity Church Parish.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
The Lay Eucharistic Visitors are trained parishioners who take Holy Eucharist [Holy Communion] to the “Sick and Shut-in” members of the congregation who are unable to attend services on Sundays and during the week. Members of this ministry are given a communion kit during one of the Eucharistic services to lead and share worship at the homes of parishioners who are “Sick and Shut-in”.
Luke's Guild
The St. Luke’s Guild is a Pastoral Committee. Each Sunday, Members of this ministry visit the “Sick and Shut-in” and distribute sanctuary flowers and worship bulletin. This is a ministry to house bound parishioners each Sunday throughout the year, except during season of Advent and Lent.
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee is the ministry of Christian sharing of the gifts of time, talent, and money that God has given us to use. The Stewardship Committee oversees a yearly effort to inspire in each of us a giving consciousness that is a vital part of Christian living.
Hospitality Committee
The Hospitality Committee provides for the repast, a true feast, after worship serves on special occasions, major feast days, and burials. The Hospitality Committee provides nourishing meals and refreshments for bereaved families and their guests after burials or memorial services. The ministry of the Hospitality Committee is further supported by two coffee committees that provide refreshments Sunday after each worship service.
Fellowship Committee
The Fellowship Committee serves as a conduit for the congregation to mingle between and after services and in celebration of special occasions in the Parish life. A constituent group is the Coffee Committee. The ministry is further supported by two coffee committees that provide refreshments Sunday after each worship service.
The Usher are men, women and youth who welcome and greet visitors, friends and members,distribute worship bulletins, assist with seating, collect and present the alms, assist the congregation to and from the altars for communion. Serving as an usher is a wonderful way to meet new people and make them feel welcome at Trinity Church.
Dirt Daubers
The Dirt Daubers are volunteers who care for the grounds. For additional information on this committee, please the church Junior Warden to participate in spring, summer, and fall cleanups and preparing wonderful flower beds for all to enjoy.
Office Volunteers
Trinity Church is blessed with many volunteers who assist in the management and daily operations of the Parish. Parishioners volunteer for a fixed time each week to help out in managing telephones, bulletin printing, and other office tasks. Opportunities for spot projects are also available.
Property Committee
Property Committee is a standing committee of the Vestry. The Property Committee serves as the oversight arm of Trinity properties, buildings and grounds. The Property Committee tirelessly coordinates and supervises repairs, maintenance, modifications, maintain inventories and serve as advisory to the clergy and vestry on the physical condition of the church buildings, and surrounding properties. The Property Committee administers the tasks that have Vestry’s approval using the talents and skills of a dedicated group of volunteers. For example, the “Dirt dauber” a group of volunteers who plant and care for the grounds and plants surround our church and other buildings. Observations and suggestions on the maintenance and development of the property and grounds may be directed to the church Office and the Junior Warden.