Journey to Adulthood (J2A)
The Journey to Adulthood (J2A) is designed for youth, ages 11-17 and held Sundays 9:30-10:30 am. ECC is designed for intentional, systematic, classroom-centered interactions between teachers and young learners. The Curriculum seeks to provide resources that will support Episcopal Sunday Schools and other organized programs of Christian education.
Spack House is also used to support the Christian education and formation of children in Sunday School.
Contact us for more information.
Children’s Choir
The Children’s Choir sings on the fourth Sunday of the month and provides the anthem at the offertory. The Children’s Choir rehearses on Sundays after communion and before worship on the fourth Sundays.
Trinity’s Children/Youth Chorus rehearses weekly at 12pm after the Sunday 10:30am service. All children are welcome.
Contact us for more information.
Youth Ensemble
The Youth Ensemble is a music and art performing group. The Youth Ensemble sings and performs at worship and other congregation and community events.
Contact us for more information.
- Worship:
- 8:00am Said Eucharist In-Person only
- 10:30am Choral Eucharist In-Person and online
- Christian Education: 9:30am-10:15am (K-High School)
- Adult Forum & Bible Study: 9:30am
- Bible Study: 7pm – Zoom
- Stations of the Cross with Reflections: 7pm